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Gunsmithing - Steps to Apply

The TSC Gunsmithing Department’s application process will be temporarily modified to the following procedure. This procedure may revert to the previous iteration at the discretion of the department and appropriate notification will be given to all applicants.

Acceptance into the Gunsmithing School is based on the applicant successfully completing all the requirements outlined in this document and the program is filled on a first come first served basis. When you have submitted the documentation required and successfully completed the background check we will review the information and if you are determined to be a good candidate for the program you will be scheduled for an interview. After completing the interview the Gunsmithing department will review the information and determine if you are to be admitted to the program.

Gunsmithing X-ray imageStudents seeking admission into the Gunsmithing School must complete the following requirements. All required documents should be emailed to Bryce Seamans at  or mailed to:
Trinidad State College 
Attn: Bryce Seamans
600 Prospect Street
Trinidad, CO 81082

If you have questions about the Gunsmithing admissions process, please contact: 719-846-5631

Applications for the Gunsmithing Program will be processed on a first come first served basis.
Don't wait, space is limited and demand is high!
 - Applications with missing documents are considered incomplete, and will not be accepted.

  1. Apply for admission to Trinidad State College:
    Apply TO TSC NOW

  2. Submit official high school transcripts or GED transcripts to:
    Trinidad State College
    Admissions Department
    600 Prospect Street
    Trinidad, Colorado 81082
    * If you will be living in the campus dormitory, once accepted, please submit immunization records to Resident Housing at the above address.

  3. Submit the following:
    - Driver’s License (photocopy)
    - Birth Certificate (photocopy)
    - Gunsmithing Application
    Via email to:
    or via postal mail to:
    Trinidad State College
    Attn: Bryce Seamans
    600 Prospect St.
    Trinidad Colorado 81082

  4. Complete the Gunsmithing School Application:
    Download this form and return it per directions.

  5. Take the EdReady test:
    Please contact Desi Maxwell for instructions for completing the EdReady test at 719-846-5561 or via email at

  6. Complete the background check at the following link:

  7. Submit three (3) letters of recommendation:
    The recommendation letters should be from employers, teachers, or other professionals who are not related to the applicant and have a personal knowledge of the applicant’s work ethic, and personal background. All recommendation letters must be sent directly from the recommender via email attachments to:
    or via postal mail to:
    Trinidad State College
    Attn: Bryce Seamans
    600 Prospect, Campus 
    Trinidad, CO 81082

    (It is the students’ responsibility to follow up in ensuring the receipt of all three letters.)
    When an applicant has completed the application requirements we will review the information and inform the applicant whether or not they have qualified for an interview.

  8. Participate in an interview:
    The interview will be conducted via SKYPE or WebEx (video conference). The interview committee will consist of a minimum of two Gunsmithing Faculty members. The interview process determines the students who will be admitted to the program.

Random drug testing of Gunsmithing students may be required as permitted by college policy. Colorado law forbids any person under the age of 18 to possess a handgun. Students must be 18 years or older before the Gunsmithing courses they are enrolled in begin.